



AdvanSix, a leading manufacturer of high-performance materials and chemicals, was looking to recognize and inspire its employees for professional growth and leadership opportunities. With only 7 weeks to execute, AdvanSix turned to us to develop a unique and memorable event that would leave a lasting impression on its employees.

The Challenge:

AdvanSix wanted to create a special and memorable event that recognized and inspired its employees for professional growth and leadership opportunities. With a tight deadline of only 7 weeks, the event needed to be developed quickly, while still pushing the boundaries of the AdvanSix brand standards to create something truly unique and engaging.

AdvanSix Leader Summit
AdvanSix Leader Summit

The Solution:

With the AdvanSix brand and marketing team’s permission, we explored creative options that brought the core elements of the event – Heads, Hearts, and Hands – to life. We generated multiple creative concepts and eventually landed on a design that still felt like it belonged inside the AdvanSix brand, but was unique and adaptable to all extensions of event materials, such as lanyards, presentation decks, videos, signage, and awards.

Our team was able to finalize the creative concepting within 4 weeks and assisted with all event production in the 3 weeks leading up to the event. Lock-step communication and the ability to deliver high-quality work quickly enabled us to meet all print and production deadlines, ensuring the AdvanSix team was able to execute an extraordinarily unique, inspiring, and successful event.

AdvanSix Leader Summit
Customer Centric

The Results:

The AdvanSix Leader Summit event was a huge success. The event recognized and inspired AdvanSix employees for professional growth and leadership opportunities, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

The unique and engaging design brought the core elements of the event to life, creating a memorable experience that employees will not soon forget. The tight deadline was met, and the event was executed flawlessly, thanks to our team’s ability to deliver high-quality work quickly and effectively.


The AdvanSix Leader Summit event was a huge success, recognizing and inspiring AdvanSix employees for professional growth and leadership opportunities. With a tight deadline of only 7 weeks, our team was able to push the boundaries of the AdvanSix brand standards, creating a unique and engaging event that left a lasting impression on all who attended. The success of the event is a testament to our team’s ability to deliver high-quality work quickly and effectively, meeting all print and production deadlines and exceeding expectations.

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